To all our Clients
I do hope you all had a Happy Christmas albeit a much quieter one than usual.
It is with sadness that I write to you this New Years Eve while we are still gripped by this pandemic. As you are aware the new strain of COVID 19 has ravaged the South East in particular which means Surrey will remain in Tier 4 for some time and in turn that means the studio remains essentially closed.
As our new term is due to start on Monday l thought I would write to you to let you know our plans to keep as many of you moving as we can.
Group Mat classes will return to zoom. Those of you booked into a class on Monday or Tuesday will get your zoom invites over the weekend. Those of you in classes further into the week will get yours at the beginning of next week. All your classes will be taught by your normal teacher wherever possible.
Reformer classes will be put on hold and for all those that have prepaid for their class your money will be held on account until such time as we can resume teaching them. I sincerely hope this will be soon.
Clients that see Jeremy, Jané or Katie in a strictly rehabilitation capacity who have been referred by a clinician can continue to see them in the studio. This is because they are Chartered Physiotherapists utilising their physiotherapy skills in your sessions. We will assume you will want to continue your rehabilitation unless we hear from you but if you do not want to come to the studio you can continue your sessions virtually for the foreseeable future.
To all other clients that have 1:1 sessions with other teachers we will be contacting you shortly to discuss your options to have your sessions on FaceTime, Skype or zoom. We want as many of you as possible to be able to keep practising Pilates though this next chapter of lockdown.
Thank goodness for the fantastic news about the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine that will start to be rolled out on Monday. We all really needed some good news as we prepare to see in 2021 this evening. Like Christmas it will be very different New Year celebrations tonight but we will have time to reflect on all that has happened this year and how we kept going through such adversity.
When I shut the doors of Pilates Works Studio the first time I really did not think the studio would ever be the same again. But every time I reopen the doors the studio comes back to life in days. And that is down to all my amazing teachers but more importantly down to each and every one of our amazingly loyal and resilient clients. To you all I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to call the studio. Myself, Jeremy and Louise will be at your disposal to answer any questions you may have or help you set up your appointment virtually.
Wishing you a Happy and Safe New Year.
Kind Regards
Sue Wathan
Studio Owner